Malaika is poorly, a non decript virus that she has picked up somewhere. For non diabetic children the treatment would be Calpol, fluids and cuddles, for a diabetic child it sends the caregivers into overdrive. When Malaika is ill, her insulin injections become much less affective, she needs almost double the dose that she normally needs to stop her sugars going high. Malaika also goes into ketosis when she is poorly, the combination of high sugar and high ketones can lead to the fatal illness ketoacidosis in a number of hours. So I make sure that her insulin is administered at a much higher dose than usual, simple enough right? Right, Until the insulin suddenly decides to start working and her blood glucose starts spiralling downwards leading to life threatening low blood sugar. When Malaika is ill, She loses her appetite, trying to get a sick 4 year old to eat or drink glucose is close to impossible. I'm not being dramatic when I keep my children away from your sick kids, what can be a day or 2 of misery for your child could end my child's life. This is hard to write and I know I sound very matter of fact, but that is how I deal with diabetes. I can't have emotional responses to her illness or mine, because it's too important for me to be able to make critical medication dosing decisions any minute of any day I will not stop trying to fundraise for a cure until there is a cure. Please consider donating to JDRF UK via their website or via my just giving page Please consider signing up for a challenge to raise funds for a cure and also spread awareness. Please help to find a cure so that Malaika's life isn't in danger from a common cold ♡
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