Day 21 #10000kmIn2017 total km 371.65/10000 #MissionFindACure January steps 385585/542000 I havent been posting as often as I would like, and the reason is that I am exhausted, according to my fitbit I have been averaging 4 hours of sleep a night for the past 10 days For no reason I can work out, Malaika is having random low blood sugar, there is no reason for her sugar to go dangerously low, but every now and again, it does. She also has no symptoms so can't tell me if she feels it happening, meaning i am having to test her sugar with a fingerprick test every couple of hours day and night. She just got funding for a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) which is a small sensor attached to her body 24/7 via a needle. It will constantly keep me updated of her blood sugar and will alarm if she goes high or low, which will make a massive difference to my life. The difference it will make to her life, other than allowing me to keep her safe, is another needle attaching a piece of machinery to her little scarred body to keep her alive. It's a small price to pay for me, but for her it will bring pain, fear and anxiety. This is why I am doing what I'm doing, I don't want to put needles in my daughter multiple times a day, I don't want a common cold to have the ability to kill her, I don't want to sleep through my alarm at night and miss a low blood sugar and lose her. Please help me. #MilesForMalaika
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