Mightier than Type One
Friday, 26 May 2017
I hit 2 milestones yesterday. 2000 miles completed in 2017 for #MissionFindACure and #2017in2017 Each month from now on I have to average 1000km a month to complete the challenge. I thought the summer months would make that easier, but the sun has really done a number on Malaika and my diabetes meaning that we quite often have to stop for extra fuel because of the heat causing us to have low blood sugar (diabetes really isn't just as simple as giving insulin and eating well!) Why not join me for a challenge, please help me raise funds to find a cure http://ift.tt/2gInRkB 100% of proceeds donated to JDRF UK to help find a cure
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2qqdjuH
Monday, 22 May 2017
Weekly leaderboard for The Wales challenge. Think you could walk/row/jog/skip/cycle/swim 870 miles to help find a cure for type one diabetes? If so, sign up! http://ift.tt/2gInRkB Get in touch for more info
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2rJbb33
Weekly leaderboard for the Kilimanjaro challenge. Think you could virtually climb Kilimanjaro to help find a cure for type one diabetes? If so, sign up! http://ift.tt/2gInRkB Get in touch for more info
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2qcTW8k
Weekly leaderboard for 1000 mile challenge. Think you could walk/row/jog/skip/cycle/swim 1000 mile to help find a cure for type one diabetes? If so, sign up! http://ift.tt/2gInRkB Get in touch for more info
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2qI6N6g
Weekly leaderboard for 1000km challenge. A huge congratulations to our first 1000km finisher Racheal Irizarry-Sauer! Think you could walk/row/jog/skip/cycle/swim 1000km to help find a cure for type one diabetes? If so, sign up! http://ift.tt/2gInRkB Get in touch for more info
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2qIgwcw
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2rucJk9
Thursday, 18 May 2017
I haven't been checking my mileage religiously, have just been pushing on. But today I checked and I realised I had completed my Wales challenge. This is my favourite medal and the one I was most looking forward to achieving. I have done 1882 miles so far this year. 4500 to go (give or take) To join in please visit http://ift.tt/2gFkUGb You will also find the donate page on there but please ignore the challenges page as that is a work in progress! 1000 miles in 2017 challenge ✔ Kilimanjaro challenge ✔ Wales challenge ✔ I think my next challenge will be 1000km which I hope to complete in one month. I will start it 1st June, anyone want to join me?
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2qy5tDi
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Here is Malaika doing her first ever #dab out of respect for a young boy who lost his life to diabetes this weekend. For most people losing a child is the worst thing they can think of, most people don't really have to think about it. Every time I check on my daughter during the night, during a nap or when she's been a little quiet for a couple of minutes, there is a genuine relief when i see her breathing, hear her snore or see her alive. Every time I walk in to check on her I physically check my phone in my pocket and remind myself of the "to do" check list if she isn't breathing. Because honestly, blood sugar can go from normal to deadly in minutes. It's an exhausting reality that sadly too many people live with every single day. RIP Tommy. xxx #WeNeedACure #Dab4Tommy #Dab4Diabetes #DabForDiabetes
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2pLLzW8
I finished my #Kilimanjaro challenge this week by climbing 2578 flights of stairs since January. I did this all at home just throughout the day. Very easily achievable and look at the beautiful medal. If you fancy having a go, send me an email and I'll give you some details. I think I will attempt it again this year, might get Malaika to do it with me! http://ift.tt/2gInRkB
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2rqB8Ev
Utterly heartbreaking. Tommy had a stomach bug and had gone to bed to get some sleep and died from low blood sugar. It's every diabetic and parent of a diabetics worst nightmare. We need a cure. Please dab for Tommy or light a candle at 7pm
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2pKp9Vb
Monday, 15 May 2017
Wales leaderboard week 19 Still time to sign up for a virtual challenge, 100% profits donated to JDRF UK to help find a cure for type one diabetes http://ift.tt/2gInRkB
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2rj4S5t
Kilimanjaro leaderboard week 19 Still time to sign up for a virtual challenge, 100% profits donated to JDRF UK to help find a cure for type one diabetes http://ift.tt/2gInRkB
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2qkNHDt
1000 mile leaderboard. Week 19 Still time to join a challenge, http://ift.tt/2gInRkB Something for everyone, 100% profit to JDRF to help find a cure for Type one diabetes
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2rj0OSS
1000km leaderboard. Week 19 Still time to join a challenge, http://ift.tt/2gInRkB Something for everyone, 100% profit to JDRF to help find a cure for Type one diabetes
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2qkTSqN
Monday, 8 May 2017
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2pYYNvC
Wales challenge week 18 leaderboard To sign up to a challenge, visit http://ift.tt/2gInRkB
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2pWQ4fo
Kilimanjaro challenge week 18 leaderboard To sign up to a challenge, visit http://ift.tt/2gInRkB
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2pYjlUX
1000 mile week 18 leaderboard To sign up to a challenge, visit http://ift.tt/2gInRkB
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2pWQ2Ei
1000km week 18 leaderboard To sign up to a challenge, visit http://ift.tt/2gInRkB
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2pYGZQY
via Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2pYvTf9
Monday, 1 May 2017
10 things people with Type One diabetes hear all too often 1. PEOPLE WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES CAN’T EAT SUGAR – In reality people with type 1 diabetes can eat anything they want, as long as they give themselves enough insulin to cover the sugar or carbs they eat. It must be said though that sugar isn’t really good for anybody and should be eaten in moderation, but I’ll save that rant for another day. 2. TYPE 1 DIABETES IS CAUSED BY BEING OVERWEIGHT Type 1 diabetes is an auto immune disease caused by the body attacking the pancreas. It has nothing to do with weight or diet. 3. ADULTS CAN’T GET TYPE 1 DIABETES While it is more rare for an adult to get type 1, it happens. It can happen at any age. 4. KIDS WILL GROW OUT OF TYPE 1 DIABETES Well meaning friends or family members told me this when my daughter was first diagnosed. “don’t worry, she’ll grow out of it” Sadly that is not the case. She will be insulin dependent for the rest of her life. 5. TYPE 1 DIABETES IS HEREDITARY – This one is complicated. Type 1 diabetes is not hereditary. However, the autoimmune gene that can cause diabetes, as well as a number of other diseases, can be hereditary. 6. YOU GET TYPE 1 DIABETES FROM EATING TOO MUCH SUGAR Nope, nu-uh, no way. As stated in number 2, nothing that you eat will cause type 1 diabetes. Eating too much sugar can cause a tummy ache, but not diabetes. 7. PEOPLE WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES CAN’T PLAY SPORTS Ugh. I hate this one. People with type 1 diabetes can play any sports they want, there are many athletes that have type 1 diabetes such as Sir Steve Redgrave 8. THE INSULIN PUMP CURES TYPE 1 DIABETES Well meaning friend or stranger: “Isn’t she on a pump?” Me: “Yes, but…” Friend/Stranger: “Well then she is cured, right?” Nope. Not even close. The pump is an amazing piece of equipment that has made our life so much easier, but it hasn’t cured her diabetes, it will never cure her diabetes. She will always need insulin, the pump just makes delivery of that insulin easier and more accurate. 9. TYPE 1 DIABETES CAN BE CURED WITH DIET AND EXERCISE I blame Halle Berry for this one. Halle Berry was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1989. In 2007, she claimed in an interview that she had weaned herself off insulin after changing her diet, pretty much curing her diabetes. Um, what? That is not physically possible, it’s a death sentence to stop insulin if you have type 1 diabetes. The fact is that Ms. Berry was possibly misdiagnosed and had type 2 diabetes all along. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes. 10. AT LEAST ITS NOT SERIOUS LIKE CANCER I have no words. Help us find a cure for Type one diabetes. http://ift.tt/2gFkUGb
from Mission: Find a Cure http://ift.tt/2gGjJFM
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