Day 36 5 February 2017 Really sad that I didn't make it to 29000 today, I was 7138 short. I will make it up in the month at some point, I just felt rotten today with a cold and sore throat and blood glucose through the roof. I still managed a 2.8 mile run (although I was scheduled to run 14) and did walk 7.1 miles (don't even have the energy to round it to 10 miles!) Bed now, hope to feel better tomorrow because these miles are going to run themselves! #MightierThanTypeOne #10000kmIn2017 total km 633.97/10000 #MissionFindACure February daily Day 5 - 21862/29000 Day 4 - 29251/29000 Day 3 - 29865/29000 Day 2 - 31043/29000 Day 1 - 29096/29000 January steps 603876/542000 #MilesForMalaika
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